You get to see the partnership between church and home.
Parent Serve is designed to help strengthen and support the KAC KIDS team. But the biggest benefit we hear from families is how it allows parents to see what is happening in the KAC KIDS rooms and how their child interacts in that environment and it allows you to see firsthand how we are partnering with you to help raise your children to be passionate followers of Jesus.
New families can be welcomed in.
At KAC we want to know Jesus and make Him known, and we understand that this involves bringing new people to our church. When new families come, we must have the right ratio of adults to children in the room, leaving space for welcoming new kids. When you partner with us, it helps us to have the right ratios in place. Help us avoid saying to a family, especially a new family, that they cannot drop off a child because we don’t have the space.
Children’s Ministry staff will periodically review new families to KAC KIDS and request that you join the
team. If you feel you should be a part of the team and we have not reached out to you, fill out our form HERE.
If you cannot make it to your scheduled shift, please call the office at 250-376-6268 ext. 121 and speak with Debborah Talarico (NextGen Administrative Assistant).
For last minute notice, please email Pastor Carleen at