Children’s Ministry desires for all children to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Our video content is designed to equip children with knowledge that will introduce them to the transforming power and love of Jesus.
KAC KIDS Online is geared toward ages 3 through 11 years, but of course all ages are welcome. Families are provided with the material needed to engage their kiddos in a message and lesson just like they would get on a regular weekend.
How to Use KAC KIDS Online Curriculum:
Watch the message video.
After watching the message, use the Parent Guide provided to review the lesson.
Reinforce the message during the week using the activity and/or craft in the Parent Guide.
Encourage memory verse practice each day to help your child “store God’s word in their hearts".
Online Lesson:
Play the video below for worship and to hear and know more about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, or the Bible.
Psalms: Every Day with Jesus
Parent Guide: All Ages Guide
Follow up with questions and use the activities, crafts, and scripture memorization to help you child remember what they have learned. All Ages Guide
Colouring and Activity Pages:
(In the downloads below)
To watch previous lesson videos, visit our KAC Kids Showcase on Vimeo HERE!