We exist to empower, encourage, and equip families to become passionate followers of Jesus who know Him and make Him known.
We do this by developing these HABITS:
- Honoring Jesus First
- Applying the Bible
- Building Relationships
- Including Everyone
- Training Families
- Serving Others
"Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old,
they will not turn away from it." Proverbs 22:6
To join our KAC KIDS Family facebook group click HERE
It's a place for KAC KIDS families to find community, keep up to date on our happenings, and find family-centred resources.
KAC KIDS Newsletter
Information on upcoming events, an At-Home section to get kiddos thinking about what they are going to learn on the weekend, and a message from the Children's Pastor, Carleen Dangerfield.
To sign up to receive our newsletter, email Carleen Dangerfield at carleend@kamloopsalliance.com