Kidztown On Mission

Children's Ministry desires to lead children to be a community of people who GO. 

Alexander Becerril - Compassion Canada

Kidztown is sponsoring Alexander through Compassion Canada.  This is a great way for us as a Children's Ministry to be directly involved in supporting those in poverty and helping them to know Jesus.  You child's offering will go to sponsoring Alexander as we partner with Compassion where they help children escape poverty through Biblically driven programming. 

About Alexander

Personal Name: Alexander Cristofer Delgado Becerril

Country: Mexico

Birthday: September 12, 2007 (age 13)

Family Details

Alexander lives with his mother and his 1 sibling. His mother is regularly employed as a homemaker. Alexander helps with the cleaning in his home.

Activities & Interests

Alexander’s favourite colours are blue and green. His favourite food is chicken. His favourite activities include playing soccer and learning about God at the Compassion Centre.  


Alexander attends school and is in the Canadian equivalent of Grade 8. His favourite subject in school is Social Studies. 

Community Information

Homes in the Ejido de Azotlan area are typically constructed of brick/block/cement. Floors are made of cement and the rooms are made of tin/corrugated iron. A typical food they might eat would be chicken. The main occupation of those in the area would be factory work. 

Alexander's Prayer Requests

Please pray for the health of Alexander's family and those in his community.


(Updates are provided each Fall)