
Ephesians 2:1-10
The Church's Story


Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Tim shared a story about his two year old blurting out the words, “I’m gonna die” while they were adventuring in the forest.  Share a story of a time when you felt like you were gonna ‘die’.

  2. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. In verses 1-3 it describes 4 ways we experience death here and now. 
    1. Through sin and transgression, 2. Through disobedience, 3.through gratifying the cravings of our flesh, and 4. through following the flesh's desires and thoughts.  Given this list, what is one way you have experienced this ‘death’ in the past and what's one way you are wrestling with right now?

  3. Timothy Keller says, "If you want to become a Christian, all you need is nothing - but most people don't have that.  Most of us come with our recommendation letters, our resume, our morality, our money."  In what ways is this statement freeing?  In what ways is this statement frustrating?

  4. This passage says we find new life in grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  How does this change how you live your life?