Gentle and Lowly outlines the heart and ministry of Jesus. As stated in the book, "This book is written for the discouraged, the frustrated, the weary, the disenchanted, the cynical, the empty. Those running on fumes. Those whose Christian lives feel like constantly running up a descending escalator.” This summation rings true. Dane Ortlund brings fresh perspective on the compassionate, pursuing and loving heart of God towards sufferers and sinners - people like you and I.
If you are feeling exhausted from performance based Christianity, unsure of what God thinks of you, burnt out, distant from God or just in need of extravagant encouragement, this book is for you. I read it over my vacation and It was not only helpful but I would say necessary. It filled my soul with the hope and joy of Jesus again. I wept multiple times as I devoured page after page of Ortland’s insightful and pithy writing, spelling out the heart of Christ for me.
You won’t regret buying and reading this book.
~ Pastor Chris
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Book Synopsis by Pastor Chris Throness...
Book Synopsis by Pastor Chris Throness...
In Search of Deep Faith is a fantastic journey into the beauty, goodness and heart of Christianity. Jim Belcher, professor and author, takes us on a pilgrimage into investigating and experiencing some of the great stories and people of church history. As a father, Belcher desired to invest into his children by introducing them to some giants of church history - people who have stood up, fought for and sacrificed much for the sake and cause of Jesus Christ. He did this by taking his family to the places where these people and their impact happened. You will learn about this people, their story and impact on the world. You will also be let in on Belcher’s journey as a father, as he distills and instructs his family on apprenticeship to Jesus. The book is a brilliant re-telling of some of these giants: people like C.S. Lewis, Corrie Ten Boom, Vincent Van Goh, William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. You will be stirred, inspired, challenged and reminded of how Jesus has shaped people and history.
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Book Synopsis by Pastor Chris Throness...
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry was the best book I could have read starting 2020. Comer, a pastor from Bridgetown Church in Portland, is witty and well researched as he presents his case for why we all need to slow down. Our modern world is distracted and hurried and as Comer powerfully reminds us, “Love is incompatible with hurry.” The most important things in your life demand time and for most of us, we don’t have enough of it. The first part of the book describes the problem and life in our modern world. Comer draws from a variety of sources to sketch out what lies at the core of our problem with hurry. The second part introduces Jesus as the solution to our problem; we don’t need more time, we need more of Jesus. As we take on the “easy yoke” of Jesus, we learn to rest in Him. The third part is extremely practical as the author unpacks four practices for unhurrying your life. They are: silence and solitude, sabbath, simplicity, and slowing (down). You will laugh, be intrigued, and feel challenged as you work your way through this timely and helpful book.
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