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A staff representative met with Emergency Social Services at the Evacuation Center to follow up with KAC's ongoing offer of assistance as had been provided at the onset of this disaster.   At present we were provided the same advice as previously posted which is to simply continue to monitor the TNRD Facebook pages for updates as to what assistance is required. The most pressing need as of today remains gift cards which are useable for a the wide array of everyday items - KAC immediately provided $1000.00 in cards for Walmart and Superstore.


  • Gift cards are still the number one request.  Cards for places that sell everyday items. Walmart cards were also suggested as cards that provide flexibility for purchases.  If you want to give the combo option, gift cards from Superstore will give the recipient flexibility in what they purchase from gas to everyday needs. Gift cards intended for evacuees be dropped off at the Red Cross at their downtown location: 943 Victoria Street or Emergency Services at the Sandman Centre.*
  • Monitor the TNRD, United Way and Red Cross websites and social media as all give regular updates to current and pressing needs.
  • As we are seeing that communities are being allowed to return home, some people will be returning to homes that have been burned to the ground or issues such as appliances that have not functioned for long periods of time during power outages. There are significant needs that will exist in the coming days/weeks/months in assisting people in "cleaning up" and trying to return their lives to normal. This is where we expect that there will be a heavy demand on volunteers with some horse power that can assist people in these efforts. To that end, we as a church want to start focusing on this aspect of the disasters. Part of this means that as a start we should look at creating a list of volunteers and associated equipment (trucks, trailers and the such to haul away debris for example) that would be prepared to travel into these areas and provide assistance to people as needed. If you are interested in being part of this team, please fill out the following form, and we will be in contact with you.


Any billeting needs are dealt with on a third party basis only as Emergency Social Services will not become involved in these processes due to the potential liability issues that might arise.  Evacuees seeking billet are being directed to post their needs on the TNRD Facebook sites, so any offer of accommodation may be posted on those sites There is also a bulletin board in front of the Evacuation Center where ads may be posted.  We have posted at least one request that came through the KAC Facebook page, so you might monitor that site as well.    

We will continue to bring updates on ways in which we can help community services all over Kamloops aid those in this difficult time.


Continue to pray for all those impacted, especially that they may know and understand the sovereignty of God in such chaotic moments as this. Pray for those involved in connecting with and serving the evacuees, and for our front line emergency response members as they battle the fires, and most importantly pray for rain.