Our monthly email newsletter is out, with updates, upcoming events, and highlights from the recent Board Meeting. To receive KAC/Connected Newsletter directly to your inbox sign up today!
April 2017 News
Thank you for being part of the Kamloops Alliance Church newsletter. Below you will find helpful information on what is happening around Kamloops Alliance, from upcoming events, to special announcements. Our hope is that you will find these emails helpful and useful as your Connect, Grow and Serve at KAC.
The board and staff welcome Pastor Larry and Barb back from Sabbatical on April 11th. Let us support Pastor Larry in prayer as he transitions back into ministry.
Good Friday
We will be hosting Good Friday services on April 14th at 9:00 am and 11:00 am, with childcare provided up to pre-school aged in the 9:00 am service. These services focus on the events the day Christ was crucified. We will remember in song, through word, and participate together in communion. This is an open event to anyone who would like to attend. For more information, or to invite someone to join, check out the website, or Facebook event Good Friday
Easter Weekend
Come experience the joy of Easter Weekend as we gather to celebrate the risen Saviour - Jesus Christ! We come awake, because he awoke from the grave!
There will be three Celebration services, Saturday at 6:30 pm and Sunday at 9:00 am and 11:00 am Utilize our Facebook event by sharing, and invite your friends to join us! Easter Weekend
Welcome to Aleece Laird who has accepted the role of Compassionate Care Coordinator. Over the course of her contract, Aleece will be interviewing as many of our church family as possible as we build our Compassionate Care Plan for KAC. You can hear more in our weekend Worship services, or online.
Upcoming Events
The Canadian Pacific District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance will be holding their District Conference at Kamloops Alliance Church May 24th and 25th. There will be open sessions to the public which include guest speakers focusing on gaining clarity around disciple-making. For more information check out the website
Elder’s Meeting Highlights
The Elders of Kamloops Alliance met on March 15th, and the following are highlights from what was discussed.
The elder board is looking forward to welcoming Larry and Barb back from their sabbatical in early April. We have developed a transition plan to ease Larry back into ministry life.
Compassionate Care Coordinator contract has been filled by Aleece Laird