As part of the C&MA, our church’s desire is to keep sharing the good news – the hope and freedom of Jesus – with people who may NEVER have heard of Him before!
The Jaffray Offering is occurring across Canada this Fall to keep sending the Gospel to least-reached people groups.
This year, through donors’ commitment to the Global Advance Fund, we are sending people to share the good news with three least-reached people groups (Wolofs, Fulanis, and Yazidis) in Senegal and Northern Iraq.
At Kamloops Alliance, we'll be participating in this offering on the weekend of October 21/22. Thank you for your prayerful support and generous giving to the Jaffray Offering/Global Advance Fund.
If you would like to give to the Jaffray Offering but are going to miss the Oct 21/22 weekend you can still do so, either online and selecting Jaffray Offering, or directed giving through envelopes or at guest services.