Kamloops Alliance Church is serving in Copper Canyon Mexico May 7-22, 2016. Kamloops Alliance Church and Coquitlam Alliance Church are partnering with Tarhumara Ministries to serve the Tarahumara people of Mexico. Tarahumaras Ministries is a non-profit organization founded by Pastor Tomas Bencomo. The purpose of the organization is to bring much needed assistance to the impoverished Tarahumaras Indians who live in Chihuahua, Mexico.
TRIP DATES: May 7 – 22, 2016
COST: Approximately $2,500
DEADLINE: All applications must be submitted by December 1, 2015
This is a mission’s trip like no other. The Copper Canyon Mexico is a remote and rugged area. Once in the Canyon, you will be sleeping on mats and in sleeping bags. There is no running water or electricity. We will be serving the Tarahumara people through the building of new washrooms and adding onto the medical clinic. We will also be spending time in the orphanage and delivering food and sanitary hampers to surrounding villages.
THERE IS A PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT FOR THIS TRIP. While there, we will be doing a 1.5 hour hike in the canyon as well as an 8-10 hour hike (optional) to another village.
If you would like to participate in this trip, please print off the application form and return it to:
Megan Klassen at the church office
If you need financial assistance in order to participate on this trip please contact Megan Klassen (Missions Coordinator) at megank@kamloopsalliance.com to get an application form.
NOTE: The video below shows you a little about life in the Copper Canyon. It is an older video from a previous Alliance women's project and the mentioned medical clinic has already been partially built.