Calling all photographers. Would you like to see your photos at KAC? We want to use your photos to inspire and engage our congregation. Take some shots of people, take some shots of Kamloops, take some shots of ministry, be creative and have fun! There are multiple categories to submit your work by, and there are prizes! Questions, contact the office and we'll be happy to answer.
1. CONNECT, GROW, SERVE: What does Connect, Grow, Serve look like to you at KAC and around Kamloops? Is it ministry opportunities? Is it an attitude? Is it at the church or at your home or in the city?
2. GENERAL SCENERY: What inspires you about Kamloops? What does it mean to be from Kamloops? What is unique to our beautiful part of the world?
3. RIVERS OF LIFE: Our vision at Kamloops Alliance is to be Rivers of Life, flowing to our city and beyond, What does it look like to be Rivers of Life? Are there abstract ways to capture this? What about water is life giving? What is your favorite River shot?
There will be a prize of $100 at London Drugs for each category.