Alive in the City
Do you have a heart for the Marginalized ?
Calling all those who are interested. Do you have a heart for the marginalized here in Kamloops? Well, come out and support us as we share God's love and grace. Twice a month, on Friday nights, KAC's Alive in the City volunteers host a special night at New Life Mission. There are many who have felt the love of Christ. In recent weeks, volunteers of AITC have been able to show love, share their faith and encourage others to make a life change. We meet at 6:00 at New Life Mission and doors open at 6:30.
We are still looking for anyone interested in sharing a meal (or cooking a meal) for residents living at the Crossroads Hotel on Seymour Street. Alive in the City is hoping to visit Crossroads, and bless them, at least once a month. If you are interested in this ministry please let us know.
If you are interested in the ministry contact Pete or Hanna: