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Welcome to Day 14 of our devotional series, 15 Days of Hope! We look forward to journeying together through this devotional.

Watch the video below, then follow these devotional prompts:

  • Pray that your habits of dwelling on things less than God would be broken.

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would produce in you the grace-filled habit of directing your thoughts to God.

  • Pray through each of the four lessons we learned about:

1. Lesson of consecration - pray that you would exist to bear the fruit Jesus wishes to bring forth in you.

2. Lesson of conformity - pray that, as you remain in the vine, you would be conformed into the image of Jesus.

3. Lesson of absolute dependance - pray that you would learn to live a life of entire and unceasing dependance upon Christ instead of depending on other things.

4. Lesson of undoubting confidence - pray that you would yield yourself to Jesus and receive.

  • Share how God spoke to you on our KAC facebook page, on today's devotional post HERE