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Welcome to Day 11 of our devotional series, 15 Days of Hope! We look forward to journeying together through this devotional.

Watch the video below, then follow these devotional prompts:

Read I Cor 13:4-7⁣

  • Each time the verses use the word “Love,” or “it” when referring to Love, substitute the name “Jesus.” Choose one characteristic of Jesus that stands out to you today – what is it that makes this meaningful to you today? Say a prayer of thanks to Jesus for His radical, selfless love for you.⁣

  • Our devotional today talked about the 3-stranded cord of faith, hope and love. I Cor 13:13 talks about how these three things together will sustain us until we get to heaven and have full access to seeing and understanding the Father. Write a sentence or two how faith, hope and/or love are sustaining you today.⁣

  • In closing, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word of hope to sustain and encourage you today. Write it down. Maybe put it somewhere so you can see it several times throughout your day.⁣

  • Share how God spoke to you on our KAC facebook page, on today's devotional post HERE