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Welcome to Day 5 of our devotional series, 14 Days of Prayer: Pursuing the God of Peace! We look forward to journeying together through this prayer devotional.

Watch the video below, then follow these prayer prompts:

Read John 21:1-19

  • Reflect on this - Jesus is calling each of us ashore. To sit with Him. To be fully satisfied by Him, “the bread of life”. Are there ways you have been “consuming” other things in this season, hoping they will satisfy your hunger? Fear? Live updates? Netflix? Food? Alcohol? Drugs? Confess these things to the Lord.

  • Thank Jesus for being the “bread of life”. Ask Him for the grace needed to come ashore to sit with Him. Ask Him to give you all you need in this time, to satisfy every hunger with His presence.

  • When you feel the impulses to try to satisfy your fear with something else, come ashore to Jesus. Even for 30 seconds, and thank Him for being the “bread of life”.

  • With wisdom and discernment, ask for opportunities to “feed Jesus’ sheep” in this season. A phone call? A text message? Dropping off food? A word of encouragement?

    We would love to hear how God spoke to you this morning, so please feel free to share and connect on our KAC facebook page in our Day 4 Devotional comment thread HERE.

Thank you so much for joining us this week. As Pastor Tim said yesterday, we will be posting our 14 Days of Prayer, Monday through Friday. This weekend, we ask that you would join one of our online gatherings: Saturday at 6:30pm and Sunday at 9am and 11am. Although we are unable to meet in the same physical space, we are united in heart and vision as we seek to worship the One who is so worthy of our praise. See you there!