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Welcome to Day 15 of our devotional series, 14 Days of Prayer: Pursuing the God of Peace! We look forward to journeying together through this prayer devotional.

Watch the video below, then follow these prayer prompts:

Today, write a letter to God. Format it under these three headings and topics based on the outline in Psalm 77: 

  1. Start with your current state (vs. 1-9)
    • What is keeping you up at night? 
    • What are you worried about? 
    • What questions do you have for God? 
    • Be honest, reflective. Lament, grieve and feel. 
  2. Call yourself to remember and consider (vs. 10-12)
    • Think back on the last 90 days of your life - how has God been real to you? 
    • Think back on the time(s) in the past where you have struggled or gone through a difficult season of life. What brought you through that? How did God prove Himself then? 
  3. Recount the specific ways that He has demonstrated His love and activity in your life: (vs. 13-20)
    • What promises has He been faithful to? 
    • What work has He done in your life? 
    • Where have you seen God most at work in your life? 
    • What Scripture has been standing out to you? 
    • What are you asking God to do now for you?