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Welcome to Day 11 of our devotional series, 14 Days of Prayer: Pursuing the God of Peace! We look forward to journeying together through this prayer devotional.

Watch the video below, then follow these prayer prompts:

  1. The Bible tells us of many ordinary people whose lives exemplify true worship. Read one of the examples below. How do they inspire you to worship in the midst of your present circumstance?
    • Abraham followed God’s leading without knowing where it would lead him. Genesis 12:1-4 ⁣
    • Hannah ached for a baby and faithfully waited for God’s timing. ⁣1 Samuel 2:1-28⁣
    • Mary humbly surrendered to God when He called her to carry a miracle in her womb. Luke 1:38
    • Joseph listened to God’s will and cared for and protected Mary when all of society would have expected him to turn away from her. ⁣Matthew 1:19-21 ⁣
  2. Think about how you can worship in our day to day reality right now. ⁣
    • Begin each morning with one of these video devotionals.
    • Go for a walk and look for the handiwork of our Creator in the signs of spring that are emerging.
    • Connect with a friend for a virtual coffee and prayer time. ⁣
  3. Really engage your mind so that your worship is not routine, try praising God without using the words: praise, thanks, or amen. ⁣